Dear friends,

Good news just in! We’re going back to court to challenge the UK government over the supply of weapons for the war in Yemen.

CAAT has been granted permission for our legal challenge to proceed to the High Court. Thank you so much for everything you have done to help make this happen.

For more than six years now UK weapons have been used to tear lives apart in Yemen. Throughout this time the government has continued to promote and protect weapons sales, despite the devastating human cost.

We are determined to put a stop to such sales once and for all.

In 2019 legal action by CAAT forced the government to stop issuing export licences for weapons that could be used in the war in Yemen. The government was ordered to retake all its previous decisions in a lawful manner.

But in July 2020 the government resumed arms sales, and since then it has licensed more than £1.6 billion additional weapons sales in support of the war.

Our challenge can force change.

Judges will now consider whether the government’s decision to resume arms sales is lawful. We hope the case will be heard in the next few months. 

The new ruling is an important step forward, increasing the pressure for the UK government to finally end the arms sales fuelling the war in Yemen. This success shows how much we can achieve when we work together to take on the arms trade.

If you can afford it, please make a donation today to support our work around the court case and help CAAT run more hard-hitting campaigns like this.

Can’t afford to donate right now? Share our open letter calling for an end to UK arms. Ask your friends to join you in taking a stand against the war in Yemen - click to share our open letter on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.

Thank you for your support.

With determination,

Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S Find out more about the legal challenge and what it means here.

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