Graphic showing UK climate vs military spending as an iceberg, the vast military spending hidden beneath the surface.

Contact your local paper or radio station to raise awareness for the Global Month of Action on Military Spending.

Dear friend

New data published today by think tank SIPRI reveals that UK military spending increased by almost 3% in 2020, making the UK the 5th biggest military spender in the world.

Today is the Global Day of Action on Military Spending. All around the world, campaigners are challenging the myth that spending ever more money on warfare will make us safer. Today, we come together to say: defund the military. Defend people and planet.

Communities know what makes them feel safe, and it’s not increasing nuclear warheads or building killer robots. It’s things like secure housing, decent work, tackling the climate crisis, pandemic preparedness and ending institutional racism. Together, we can build a movement for change, from the ground up.

Spead the word in your community about the need to shift priorities: Speak out in your local media.

Contact your local media

Use our tips to write to your local newspaper, or call in to your local radio show, to give the message: Defund the military. Defend People and Planet.

Prefer not to talk to your media?

Why not share a graphic with friends on your social media platforms or by email instead.

Thank you sincerely for all you do to support CAAT’s work.

In solidarity


Public Campaigns Coordinator

Campaign Against Arms Trade

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