Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels taking action outside the University of Glasgow.

Hey there, 

I hope you are well. Over the last few months we have been working with our friends at dED_cation on a brand new report entitled "Weaponising Universities: Research Collaborations between UK Universities and the Military Industrial Complex", and we cannot wait to share it with you next week. 

Join us on Tuesday 27th February from 7:00pm for an online panel discussion where we will be hearing from the author, Okopi Ajonye, who will be joined by: Victoria Araj from the University of Lincoln, Andy Stirling from the University of Sussex, and River Butterworth from the University of Nottingham. This event will be facilitated by CAAT's Sam Perlo-Freeman.

This new report discusses the deepening links between universities in the UK, the arms industry, and military research, including arms industry-funded research on campus, dedicated research centres sponsored by the arms industry and/or the MOD and other parts of the UK security establishment, and other ties. 

Read more about the report launch and register for the webinar on our website here.

Thank you for your support.

Emma Cockburn
Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S. Don't forget to send this email on to those you know around universities who might want to learn more and take action!

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