'Solidarity With Yemen'  in English and Arabic circular logo with white text

Dear friend, 

On Saturday 3rd December over a dozen local groups took part in our National Day of Action as part of our Solidarity With Yemen campaign. CAAT supporters took action in their local community to challenge the UK government's continued arms sales to Saudi-led coalition for use in Yemen.

Thank you so much to everyone who took part! Your actions and voices are a powerful display of solidarity in your communities and accross the UK. 

This January, CAAT will again take the UK government to court to demand an end to the UK complicity in the war in Yemen. The war in Yemen has been raging for almost eight years. It has led to the deaths of over 370,000 people through direct and indirect causes, according to the UN, with the UK supplying over £23 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since the conflict began. For further information about the conflict, check out the campaigns pack on our website. 

The fighter jets, bombs, missiles and other equipment used in this conflict could be manufactured in a town or city near you - check out our interactive map that displays manufacturing sites across the UK. 

You can see photos from all of the actions on our facebook page here

In January there will be many opportunities to support our legal challenge and stand in solidarity with the people of Yemen, including parliamentary actions, vigils and protests, and online campaigning. Stay tuned to take part! 

Thank you for your support.

Katie Fallon
Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S. CAAT would not be able to do this work without your support. If you are able, please consider making a donation to the campaign. We are so grateful for the supporters who already make regular donations, CAAT wouldn't exist without you!

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