Dear friend,

We have some updates for you including the latest edition of CAAT News, our statement on the war in Ukraine and some brilliant opportunities to join the team at CAAT. 

Ukraine Statement

CAAT condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an act of imperialist aggression. Russia's brutal onslaught of Ukraine's civilian population almost certain involves war crimes. We extend our solidarity to the people of Ukraine, to everyone who is working for peace in Ukraine and Russia, and challenging this devastating war. 

Due to printing deadlines, we were unable to share our statement within the latest edition of CAAT News but you can read the whole article on our website now. 


In case you missed it, the latest edition of CAAT News (our quarterly magazine) is available for download now

In this edition: 

You can also find past editions of the magazine on our publications page, please share with folks far and wide!

Join the CAAT team

CAAT is currently recruiting for two new permanent positions: a Campaigns and Communications Coordinator, and a Supporter Development Coordinator.

Both these roles are permanent, four-day per week posts, with a flexible location, if you know anyone who would be interesting in applying please forward them this email. 

Emma Cockburn
Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S. We would not be able to do any of our work if not for our generous supporters who donate to the campaign, if you don't already - and are in a position to - will you set up a regular donation to support our campaigning in 2022? Times are tough for many of us at the moment and we completely understand many people reading this are not in a position to donate right now. But if you can afford it, your donation will help us to cover the costs of producing CAAT News and continue to challenge the arms trade every day. You can set up a secure Direct Debit here.

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