Arms to Renewables

Campaign Against Arms Trade - January E-News

Dear friends, 

January saw us into the new year with activists in Twickenham mobilising around a local arms fair, thousands of our supporters have been collectively calling for action from the International Criminal Court and CAAT local groups across the UK, from Edinburgh to London, have been strategising and preparing for another year campaigning against the arms trade.

Yemen Anniversary

Almost seven years ago, on 26th March, Saudi-led forces began a brutal bombing campaign in Yemen. The people of Yemen have faced seven years of destruction and devastation. We must not let them be forgotten.

Over the next two months, we will be launching a series of actions and events for you to make your voice heard in Parliament, oppose this horrendous war and demand justice for the people of Yemen. Please keep an eye on your emails and on our website.

Yemen Data Project has reported a surge in air raids and civilian casualties since the UN investigation into Yemen was dissolved in October 2021. On 21st January 2022, airstrikes reportedly killed 91 people and injured a further 226 people, becoming the worst civilian-casualty incident in Yemen in three years. Another airstrike on a telecoms centre left the country without internet for four days.

Secret Court Case

The government's decision to resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia following CAAT's judicial review in 2019 is irrational and unconscionable. CAAT was pleased to have been granted permission to take the government back to Court to challenge this decision, and we expect the full case to be heard in June 2022. In the meantime "closed material procedures" took place in January.

This is a procedure whereby a closed hearing takes place in order for the court to consider evidence that be a 'risk to national security' and can be moved from 'closed' to 'open' hearings. These closed hearings exclude even CAAT as the claimant, who is represented instead by a Special Advocate. We are still waiting for an update from this hearing.

Write to the International Criminal Court

A coalition of European and Yemeni groups led by Mwatana for Human Rights and the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), including Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), submitted a Communication to the International Criminal Court (ICC), calling on the Court to investigate European governments and arms company officials for potentially aiding and abetting war crimes in Yemen.

The Office of the Prosecutor is still examining the Communication to decide if the ICC will start a formal investigation. Help demonstrate the strength of public feeling on this case, by calling on the Prosecutor, British lawyer Karim Khan, to secure accountability for the people of Yemen.

For the thousands of you that have already written to the ICC - thank you!

Tanks Out of Twickenham!

Campaigners in Twickenham said 'no tanks' to the International Armoured Vehicles arms fair in January. Richmond and Twickenham PSC along with local CAAT supporters and a number of other local groups greeted arms dealers arriving on the first day of the arms fair. They also draped Twickenham High Street with banners on the Saturday before, to get the word out.

Check out these photos from our friend Sash!

Resist the arms trade in your community

We already have an incredible network of activists taking action against the arms industry in their cities and towns, from the North East of Scotland to Southampton and the Three Counties! Why not get in touch to see if we can connect you with fellow CAAT supporters in your area to form a new local group, we can support you every step from the first meeting through countless campaigns to bring an end to the influence arms companies have on our communities.

Check out if you already have a local group near you via our website or get in touch to find out more, we have a jam-packed campaign calendar this year from divesting and eroding arms subsidies to ending the militarisation of policing and borders - there's loads to get involved in.

In case you missed it!

Prof. Madawi al-Rasheed (visiting professor at LSE Middle East Centre) and Andrew Feinstein (writer of "Shadow World" and former ANC MP) with Mizanur Rahman (London CAAT) discuss the situation in Saudi Arabia, its links to the arms trade and the war in Yemen, and the need for international events like the Saudi Grand Prix to boycott the country. Watch the event on our Youtube channel.

Support our work in 2022

We are about to release the next edition of CAAT News so keep your eyes peeled for that landing on your doorstep or inbox this month to find out more about what we have planned for this year.

We would not be able to continue our work if not for donations from supporters like you, and we are hugely grateful for every single donation we receive. If you are able, please consider setting up a regular donation to CAAT, or consider forwarding this email to a friend and share our work as widely as possible.

Your campaigning, donations and sharing will help bring about an end to the arms trade.

Thank you for your continued support.

Emma Cockburn
Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on social media, you can catch us on Twitter and Facebook!

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