Dear friends,

Here’s a round up of some of the things we’ve been up to over the last month:

Call for international accountability mechanism for Yemen

CAAT is among a group of over 60 civil society organisations calling on the UN General Assembly to establish a new international accountability mechanism for Yemen - an independent and impartial body that would investigate and publicly report on the most serious violations and abuses of international law committed in Yemen. This step is urgently needed in light of the failure of the UN Human Rights Council in October to renew the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) on Yemen.


BAE System and Dublin City Council social housing 

Following mounting pressure in the wake of an expose in the Irish Times, Dublin City Council pulled out of a deal to lease six family homes purchased by the pension fund of arms manufacturer BAE Systems. You can read an op-ed by CAAT on BAE System's role in the war in Yemen, and why they should have no role in providing social housing here.  


Saudi Arabia, Human Rights & the Arms Trade

This Sunday (5 Dec 7pm, online) join London CAAT and speakers Madawi Al-Rasheed (visiting professor at the LSE Middle East Centre) and Andrew Feinstein (writer of "Shadow World" and former ANC MP) to hear about Saudi Arabia, the current situation there with regard to human rights & how/why the UK arms trade is fuelling the war in Yemen.

Sign up (free) here:


Universities and UCU strikes

As campuses have reopened, student activists and the universities network are back in full swing!

Activists from Disarm Oxford dotted their local campus and city with posters criticising the university’s links to the arms trade. Read more about this here.

We joined Demilitarise Education for a panel at the Student Sustainability Summit 2021 to discuss the role of war in the climate crisis, and the complicity of university institutions. 

Finally, we joined the UCU picket at Goldsmiths UoL for the National Day of Action for Palestine, to express our solidarity with striking lecturers and with the Palestinian cause. You can find out more about the UCU strikes here.


We would not be able to continue our work if not for every donation by supporters like you, so if you are able, please consider donating to CAAT so we can continue to fund these vital campaigns. If that is not possible, please share our work as widely as possible.

Every minute spent campaigning, every pound donated, and every social media share will support our work and help bring about an end to the arms trade.

Malak Mayet

Campaign Against Arms Trade

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